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What is the Difference Between a Bhumisparsha Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue?

What is the Difference Between a Bhumisparsha Mudra Buddha Statue and a Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue?

Each and every page in the life of the Buddha is nothing short of inspiration and enlightenment. When we carefully read about them then we would find that each sermon and mudra of the Buddha would help us imbibe good characteristics of humanity. Right from the exact art of living to the path of attaining nirvana are taught by the Buddha through various mudras. 

If we talk from the modern context, then we can observe these mudras in different Buddha statues hand carved by the most gifted artisans for home and garden. These Buddha idols are ideally suited for exclusive homes, bungalows, luxury villas, gardens, resorts, farmhouses, hospitals, as well as in commercial properties with planned architecture. 

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However, there are people who constantly facing dilemma regarding which kind of Buddha statue mudra would be pertinent for their indoor and outdoor decor. For instance, it is imperative to understand the difference between a bhumisparsha mudra Buddha statue and a reclining mudra Buddha statue. Let us take this example forward and try to understand the distinction between these two mudras for instance. Let us understand these differences on the grounds of the origins of the mudras, their appearances, their Vastu and Feng-Shui effects and the eventual placement of the statues both indoors and outdoors

Criterion Bhumisparsha Mudra Buddha Statue Reclining Mudra Buddha Statue
Origin The mudra belongs to the events after the Buddha attained enlightenment and demon king Mara asked him to to prove his enlightenment and the Buddha summoned Bhudevi (goddess Earth) to stand witness to his enlightenment. The mudra belongs to the final moments of the Buddha when we was about to attain Parinirvana and leave this mortal world and attain moksha by permanently breaking the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
Appearance It is a sitting Buddha statue with the lord extending his right hand to touch the ground with all the fingers extended pointed downwards. The left hand stays on the lap. It is a reclining or sleeping mudra of the Buddha sideways with the right hand placed on the back of the head as a pillow with eyes closed and a deep content smile on the face.
Vastu and Feng-Shui Effects Beneficial for placement at the center of your property as well as outdoors. A symbol of a new beginning as well as cleansing of impurities from the body, mind and soul to make the path for wisdom and enlightenment. The placement of the sleeping Buddha statue is known to bring peace and harmony to your home and increase the purity and focus of the body, mind and soul.
Placements Place this Buddha statue facing east, the direction of the rising Sun to eliminate the darkness inside you and fill it with light. Place this sculpture of the Buddha towards the right, facing the west. Place it upon a pedestal to channelize your inner beliefs and peace of mind.

MUST READ: What is the Difference Between a Dhyana Mudra Buddha and an Anjali Mudra Buddha Statue?

Now, as you are well familiar with the major differences between a bhumisparsha Buddha sculpture and a reclining Buddha sculpture, it is much easier to form an evaluation regarding your Buddha statue needs and requirements. Always prefer to shop for the Buddha idols that are hand carved out of natural stone only. It is significant due to the fact that natural stone is the only component that is free of adulteration and offer maximum Vastu and Feng Shui benefits. It is time to explore a gamut of stone statues out of a range of black marble Buddha statues, white marble Buddha statues, Buddha fountains, and sandstone Buddha statues in two of the above listed mudras. 

Explore 2 feet Buddha statue, 3 feet Buddha statue, 4 feet Buddha statue, and 5 feet Buddha statue as per the space available to bring home 100%  authentic ISO 9001:2015 and CE Certified set of the Buddha Ji statues. Come to Stonemart™ India and get flabbergasted by otherworldly craftsmanship and stone masonry of our Indian artisans solely achieved for you. Shop today as the blessings of the Buddha ji are about to shower upon you.